
All Grey Everything - Paperlux Store

Notepads, guest books, Japanese writing utensils, paper and greeting cards: the Paperlux Store is a paradise for anyone who appreciates traditional craftsmanship and the finest stationery. Nestled in the historic bookbindery in Hamburg's Karolinenviertel, paper lovers can now buy the products where they are made.


There are some hidden gems in Hamburg's backyards, such as the workshop of the bookbindery Begemann. Since the 1950s, everything here has revolved around books, haptics, craftsmanship and precision. The Paperlux store is Hamburg's new place to go for all things paper. As part of the bookbinding workshop - a shop within a workshop, if you will - it has been carefully integrated into the historic ambience of the workshop and now seamlessly combines tradition and innovation. The entire room is wrapped in a soft, light grey - from the uneven brick wall to the old steel beams. It stands back and sets the stage for the colourful products.


Precision down to the detail


'In colours we trust' is the motto of the in-house stationery collection, and this is now reflected in the shop. A precise line marks the transition from the clean shop to the charming hustle and bustle of the workshop. It runs across the floor (natural rubber flooring) and the walls, right up to the ceiling. Even the old workshop lights are half dipped in grey.


Grey pigmented ash units, brushed stainless steel wall panels and two sculptural counters in the centre of the room display the products. All the bespoke furniture is characterised by minimalist design and precise craftsmanship. The only exception to the uniform grey is the small adjoining WC, which is bathed in dark green from head to toe. The same green that is used in the workshop's sample folders and book covers.